On July 2nd, we were invited over to the home of Kathy's Brother Gary and wife Jan's home to celebrate the

13th birthday of their daughter Kelsey

Kelsey is Kathy's Goddaughter and  a lovely girl - active in her school and sports.  In addition to our entire family, attending the party were Kathy's brother Jay's family, Sister-in Law Jan's parents and her sister's family the Lalowski's. The Brian Ferrar and Ron Mitsos families were present as well, all hosted by Gary & Jan Batz. 

Of course, the sun sizzled directly on Gary's shadeless back yard, necessitating most of the guests to visit with each other from the shaded property of Gary's next door neighbor - lest they expire from heat prostration, or squint themselves to death on Gary's deck.  COME ON MAN - PLANT A TREE!  

I deliberately noted that the sun disappears over the neighbors tree line in early July at exactly 6:23 PM.  In the future, we will not attend any gathering prior to that time should Gary's  back yard remain naked.

Click Here For All The Photos On The Day

Kelsey got a number of fine gifts from purses to gift certificates for clothes, Itunes, etc.   Jan served up a great feast courtesy of Brown's Chicken & Catering.  I tried to get Kathy to slap me up a plate when the dinner bell rang - but alas the only one she served was Ray Lalowski shown in the picture right.  I wonder if something is going on with those two.  Better keep an eye on 'em.

My boys disappeared in the basement for a marathon Monopoly game which I believe was won by that capitalist Bryan. 

Afterwards, all the kids played  Bocci  & Football in the back yard (The sun had mercifully set by then).   Kelsey is quite the Bocci player having beat nearly everyone she played against.  Must have inherited her athletic skill from her mother.

I took many snaps on the day.  One of the nice ones is of the siblings, Jay Gary and Kathy shown below.   The other all the way down is of the Kids - assorted Cousins and  friends who posed for the snap celebrating Kelsey's Birthday.


Happy Birthday Kelsey!