On a gorgeous Spring afternoon, Kathy & I headed out to EIU to watch

Ben Initiated in the Kappa Delta Pi Honors Society!

That's right, our little rascal Ben has done what no other Johnson achieved in this family and earned an Honors distinction at university. We arrived for the 6pm dinner and went over the to a nearby Hall for dinner and the presentations. 

Picture directly below is the entire group of Inductees and their advisors.  Pretty nice Babe to Guy ratio there don't you think?   I may unload Princess Kathy and get back to university myself.

All the way on the bottom is  Video of our Ben taking his induction oath.  Picture upper left is a proud Mom & Dad with their Ben.

We were seated at a table that included the Marry's of Joliet.   Their lovely daughter Stephanie was inducted as well.

Click here for all the pictures

Congratulations Ben - spectacular achievement and we are very proud!