On a chilly Sunday evening in November, we were invited to an informal little Surprise party to mark the

70th Birthday Of Steve Gallo!

That's right, family Jack Ass Steve has turned a whopping 70 years of age, but to look at him you'd swear he isn't a day older than 69.

My sister Jean, long suffering wife of the geriatric Birthday Boy, hosted the soiree at Pilot Pete's Restaurant located in the Schaumburg Airport. Godson Scott, took his father out on a short little flight with orders to not bring Steve back until 6:00PM so that it would be a surprise.

Following the directions to a tee, Scott delivered his hapless father to the party room where the look on his face shows that this bonehead didn't have a clue. Other attendees included longtime friends, Alex & Marjie, Lil, Eileen, & Lori, The Grays, Brian, Chief, Jeff & Allison along with Kathy, Ben, Brett, Mary & myself. Picture below shows the crowd pretending to have fun celebrating the big day.....


Steve & Jean's other son John, was skyped in to make sure that he could particpate in the big day. It was fun seeing Johnny passed around the room on a laptop where we all said our hello's and told him to be safe & careful. Jean made a lovely speech about Steve followed by a few remarks from Scott. Video of that can be seen all the way at the bottom.They honored Steve with their words.

Cake followed as we sang Happy Birthday to this Tool, and I had to admit it - there is love in my heart for him.

Happy Birthday To our Steve!