On May 21st,
attended the Buffalo Grove High School Prom. Along with 4 other couples they went to Seven Bridges in Aurora for the dance and dinner. Following that they went into downtown Chicago on a post-prom trip that had them go boating on Lake Michigan on the Odyssey.
Alex looked beautiful in her dress, while Bryan in his tuxedo looked darn good himself. All the couples and their parents came to our house before the event to take all the pictures of the group.
I had arrived just hours earlier from London and had purchased Alex a curly straw and matching Union Jack FlipFlops from the British Store at Heathrow Airport. I thought she could use them that very evening. She was appreciative of my gesture, however I got the feeling she did not break out neither the Curly Straw or FlipFlops that night. And I believe my thoughtful gesture irritated Bryan.