During the 1st weekend of August, I went for the weekend to the Lake home of Greg and Nancy Goluska for the 1st annual

Raccoon Lake Golf Tournament.

Hosted by Greg, also attending was his son Ben and Son-in-Law Brian.  We stayed at his beautiful lakehouse on Raccoon Lake just east of Rockville in West Central Indiana.  Rockville is close to the world famous Turkey run State Park and is a beautiful area filled with streams, hills, trails, etc.

On the Saturday we played at Raccoon Lake GC where Greg and I battled the youngsters to a tie, setting the stage for the decisive match on Sunday.  Alas, the old timers lost by 1 on the last hole Sunday giving the Inaugural Golf Tournament  title to Ben & Brian.

Saturday afternoon we toured the length of Raccoon Lake in Greg's boat.  Picture lower right is of Ben & Brian trying to stay in a rapidly deflating raft as Greg bounced them around the lake.  Brian fell out at least 4 times, with Ben being unseated only once.

It was a great time and a beautiful area.   Can't wait for the re-match next year.

Click here for a few photos of the weekend.

Thanks Greg - it was spectacular.