On April 19th,
was born to proud parents Sean & Gina .
Sean, is eldest child of best friends Gail & Bob He was born at Northwest Community Hospital and was the immediate hit at the nursery as his Grandparents and Aunties (at least 8 of them) crowded round the window to see the 6 lb. 10 oz. blessing.
Picture right is of the young family as they embark upon the most joyous journey ever.
Dylan is the 1st Grandchild on the Moran side of the family and I believe is also the 1st on Gina's side as well. This kid will never want for anything, starting with a lottery to see who gets to be his babysitter.
Gina had a Caesarean section delivery as little Dylan was in a breech position. They were scheduled to be discharged from Hospital and back home on Sunday evening, the 22nd.
Picture lower left is of 3 male generations of the Moran family.
Picture all the way down is a little joke, though he is cute enough to fight over.