And now for something completely different.....
That's right, Ben & longtime chum Weston (I call him Easton) were in Long Grove on September 1st with Easton's family and, lo and behold, get wind of a "Best Legs In a Kilt" competition. Immediately they sign up and Ben gives Kathy & I a call with a request to speed over pronto with the camera - as they aim to win it.
So quickly we go in time to see all the contestants ready to strut upon the stage to be judged by the bevy of 5 lady judges seated stage front. The contestants were advised to put on a "Show" as that was what the judges were looking for. Ben & Easton did not dissappoint.
As they came on stage they skinned off their shirts to reveal undershirts that were labeled "Irish Princesses". They then shook their butts and broke into a short dance routine as the crowd cheered them on. They danced and preened and threw kisses to the judges for about 30 seconds while the 500 or so in attendance were laughing at these 2 lads in kilts.
After what seemed an elongated juding time, they announced the second place winners - a tie between a young buck who showed a lot of leg under his kilt, and an older drunk looking bloke who twice flashed the crowd an even higher area up his leg that looked pretty ghastly. Then the winners were announced! Ben & Weston! On the stage they strode to pick up their trophy. The crowd was going nuts and the 2 of them were beseiged by requests from many of the audience for pictures. Being the gentlemen they were they were happy to oblige.
Picture upper left is of the lads holding their trophy. Picture right is of the boys in the midst of their dance in the contest. Lower left in the middle is a snap of a babe that congratulated the boys and wanted to have a picture with them. (I hope you got a phone number Ben!)
Finally all the way down is a picture of Ben & Easton with his family.