On the weekend prior to July 4th, once again the extended Johnson family migrated to downstate El Paso for a
hosted by Peggy & Bob Lenz. For many years running we have all gravitated to Peggys around the 4th for a great picnic and catch up with all the members of the family. Bob Lenz had the grill fired up and great burgers, chicken & hot dogs were served up along with all the fixins.
This year Robbie (eldest son of family patriarch Bob Johnson) and lovely daughter Bonnie made the trek north from their home outside Pinehurst in N. Carolina. It was great to see them and we hope to see more of them soon. Also fellow horsemen Sadie & Darrell Brommer (longtime friends of Peggy & Bob, but new friends to Red Rabbit Racing) came by - which was just great.
Picture upper right is of the Bob Johnson clan, with snap to the left featuring Rick & Peggy bookending Darrell & Sadie. All the way down is a night shot of some of the other guests having a great time.
As usual, some went fishing, others played Ping Pong and on the Sunday a vicious Golf Match was held pitting old-timers Robbie & Rick against the young gunslingers Bryan & Mike Gregorio. The gunslingers didn't win a hole!