Fittingly, on April Fool's Day, we celebrated the
That's right, my beloved Bro-In-Law turned 50 years old. As you can imagine, decades with my eldest sister has turned him into the faintest shadow of what once was a man - but I love him just the same.
So we were happy to celebrate this milestone birthday at Mikes favourite 5 star restaurant, The Gator's Wing Shack of Palatine.
Picture upper right is a rarely seen snap of a smiling Mike before blowing out the candles on his cake. Picture beneath is all the family assembled to help Mike celebrate his 50th.
As all who know Mike can attest to, he is an exceedingly irritating Ultra Right Wing, Tea Party Loving, NRA confessing bonehead who tirelessly defends George W (even though we still haven't found those pesky WMD's). Accordingly, I made him a special present that he will never quite forget, which can be seen by clicking the link below. Everyone else chipped in on a gift certificate to Mikes Heaven on Earth - Cabela's Outdoor Girls Shop.
Listed below is a video of the Magician at the Wings Shack wowing Mike with a great Card Trick. And Video all the way on the bottom is of my buddy Mike opening his favourite present.
Great Card Trick Wows Us All
OpeningĀ a Present From His Favourite Brother-In Law