On June 23rd, a beautiful service was held at Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest where

Rick Graduated As A Deacon.

Following 2 years of training in the Diakonia Program I graduated and became a Deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. My family was there with all my sisters and their families along with my Mom, my Uncle Roy, Mark & Alvin. Also, I was honored that my Pastor Ben Bergren attended and also by dear friend & fellow Deacon Glenn Anderson.

I was proud that all my sons participated in this beautiful service along with my niece Jaclyn and my Godson Scott. Brett was the Crucipher, Brad was the Bible Bearer, and Bryan, Ben, Jaclyn & Scott were Communion assistants.

I had begun my training in the fall of 2010 in an effort to learn more about my Christian Faith. I have been so blessed by God and felt a need to devote more time to his Word. I heartily recommend this to all.

The historic role of the Deacon dates back to the establishment of the early Christian Church immediately following the Death & Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. As the Apostles were going from town to town to establish Churches it became clear that they needed others to stay behind and serve in these new churches to enable the Apostles to continue to do their work of establishing new Churches.

So some of the more devout folk within these new churches were named Deacons to serve the Church and the Congregations. That tradition continues today where Deacons serve their Lord by serving their fellow man as Parrish Deacons, Vistiation Deacons and the like.

Picture upper right is the entire group taken after the service. Picture to the left is of Brett and Brad during the Processional. Picture below is of my graduating class with Bishop Miller and other dignataries.

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow