Not even a temperature in the triple digits could stop the lastest edition of
Just as we have done for over 20 years, the entire family made an Independence Day beeline to Riverwoods Farm in El Paso, Illinois to see and be seen by the entire family that descends from the Red Rabbit himself. The entire week had seen record hot temperatures soaring above 100 for at least 4 days running.
Lesser families surely would have said "Ooooo lets cancel, because it's too hot!" But not us, as we taunted the Sun to shine harder (I think it did too as it jumped up to 107).
This years edition took place on Saturday July 6th as the 4th fell mid week. As people arrived, they hauled their chairs onto the shaded front furnace and continued the dialogue we have had as a family for over 20 years now. The usual topics were on the table again, like "When are we going to get another horse who can actually race?", to "Look at how the kids are growing" to "Who's dog is that crapping over yonder?"
Though seeing all the kids and their new families was just great, the highlight of my day was when Money Rabbit (sister Jean) wheeled the 2010 Arlington Park Meet Champion out of his paddock and paraded him around for all to see. General Charley looked absolutely magnificent and all were profuse in their thanks to Founding Rabbit Aunt Peggy for the tender loving care she doles out to the Champion each and every day.
A tremendous feast was laid on as usual and everyone dug in. But following the meal, the heat had done a number of us in and we started to depart home a bit earlier than usual. But what a great day.