Kathy and I were happy to participate in a
On Friday April 26, Gail & Bob Moran's children hosted a Surpirse 60th Birthday Party at the Family home in Arlington Heights. Bob had taken Gail out for dinner as a diversion and upon their return all their family and friends took Gail totally by surprise as you can see from the photo left.
Bob & Gail and their great family have been our best friends since Kathy & I were newly married way back. They have 7 kids, 6 of whom were able to be at the party, now along with 6 Grandchildren as well.
It was a joyous night of reminiscing and story-telling, that went well into the night. Gail's sister Candy and Penny were there, later joined by Emon's (Bob) brother Danny and family.
Daughter Mary Moran, had pulled together a scrapbook of photos and memorable stories that Gail & Bob paged through wondering with us all - how did these years pass by so fast. Kathy & I gave Gail a collage of photos from when we met, up until the latest outing that we have enjoyed with them. Picture below is of their entire family taken in their back yard....
God has richly blessed Kathy & I our entire lives. But one of those special blessings was meeting this family way back in the summer of 1986. With Kathy pregnant with Bryan, we noticed a young family across our street where their lady of the house was pregnant as well. We walked over to introduce ourselves and who would have imagined from that chance meeting a relationship developed that together took us to Hawaii, The Bahamas, Italy, Wisconsin, Arizona, to Kansas & St. Andrews and a million places in between.