Where have the years gone, as it was time to celebrate
Our lovely Goddaughter, a senior at Fremd High School in Palatine, is the daughter of Mike & sister Laurie The Chief.
So it was time for a winter party, just shy of Christmas, complete with dinner, cake, prezzies and lots of Fireworks.
The usual suspects were in attendance with all my sisters & families, babefriends and even Mom had jetted in from sunny Florida to attend the blowout.
Chief laid on a fine spread that featured Turkey Roll Wraps (I passed) and a monstrous Lasagne (I partook), along with salads and some extra tasty mixed vegetables without the turtles. Plenty of snick snacks before hand - it was rather delicious.
Highlight of the evening occured when someone voiced the absurd suggestion that we should go outside and watch a few fireworks, around a nice fire. Sounded chilly but proved to be a real winner.
Laurie & Mikes son Jeff has been a long time protege of that Family Pyrotechnic Genius Jeff Johnson, and using many of his Uncle Jeff's techniques, pulled off a spectacular display featuring Roman Candles, Tears of Joy, and other flame spewing bundles to the delight of the crowd.
However, Jeff did not unveil the "Butterfly Garden" display as the memory of scattering our beloved Aunty Joyce when that display went awry were still all too fresh.
Brettie had a Grade A stellar bonfire going - having started it with nothing but a flint rock and one of Laurie's old Girdles for kindling. It was impressive.
Family Bozo Steve Gallo, along with nephew Ben, re-created Steve's famous body jerking death scene from Bonnie & Clyde where they pretend they are being shot by hundreds of bullets - all to the cadence of multiple Firecracker Belts lit off by Jeff. Spectacular.