WIth jubilation, joy & pride we were overjoyed to attend the
Aly, is our niece - daughter of Barb & Randy Gray, and she married longtime beau Brian Grewe at the Fisherman's Inn Resort in Elburn, Illinois. Over 160 guests attended the bash and the whole event was just beautiful from start to finish.
I was honored to officiate at the nuptials and Kathy with all the boys (and dates - except TIna recovering from foot surgery) were in attendance making this a real treat for our family.
The festivities began with the Wedding Rehearsal on July 2nd - with one minor snag. We didn't actually have a rehearsal! I was 45 minutes tardy to the rehearsal and another party was booked to rehearse immediately following Aly's rehearsal. So we talked over the main points prior to the dinner held in Batavia at Pal Joey's Restaurant astride the Fox River. At the restaurant we met all of Brian's fine family along with the Wedding Party attendants. It was a loud, racuous and very fun evening. Picture of the Wedding Party at the Rehearsal Dinner is shown at left.
Wedding Day dawned Bright, Beautiful with a Temperature of a perfect 80 degrees. The wedding was held outside in a setting that featured a pond, woods and just beautiful scenery. Aly & Dad Randy walked up the long sidewalk to the area where the wedding party awaited. She looked absolutely stunning. The wedding went off without incident, and we then retired to an outdoor cocktail hour next to the Reception Hall for drinks, stories and tears of joy.
At the reception, Randy spoke as did Aly's sister Chelsea - for she was Maid of Honor. The speeches were funny and showed the love the Grays have for their family and friends. A momentary concern appeared as Grandmother Gray briefly fainted due to the heat & excitement, but after a quick check she rallied and finished out the reception in fine form. Thanks Be To God.
A lovely dinner was served with Aly & Brian making the rounds to greet all their guests at each table. Following the meal we reitred to yet another hall where the DJ got things going on the Dance Floor. The extended Johnson family was unrivalled with their moves on the floor led by Jeff Gregorio, Jeff Johnson, Chelsea, Ben & Jordan. 'Twas wild.
As it was a long day and Kathy had been fighting a respiratory bug all week, so we took our leave a bit earlier than planned to get her home and keep her on the recovery trail.