With immense pride & love, it is the distinct pleasure of Richard & Katarina Johnson

to announce that their youngest bear cub,

Bradley Robert Kennedy Eisenhower Johnson,

has been accepted into Northern Illinois University's...

Doctor of Physical Therapy School!

Oh, the tears of joy at the news of Brad's appointment. That's right, our Magna Cum Laude son will be entering NIU's Graduate program to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy starting this coming August at NIU's DeKalb campus.

Brad had applied to 5 schools this time around with NIU being his 1st choice - as this is where he obtained his undergrad degree in 2014.

We had been on Pins 'n Needles waiting for news as NIU takes but 35 candidates into their DPT school every year - it is enormously competitive. To understand the magnitude of Brads achievement - it's like he's a racehorse entered in The Kentucky Derby. Only this Derby has a 6,500 horse field where he has drawn the 6,499th post - toting a jockey the size of his dad. Well, our boy beat 'em all to secure his spot and

now enters a 3 year EXPENSIVE program that upon completion will Bestow Upon him the title of Dr Johnson.

Words don't describe how proud we are of this boy. He worked hard for this appointment and perservered when he didn't get selected last year because he didn't have job experience in his field. So he got a job that provided that experience and this Appointment is now the result.

To all his family & friends I know you share his joy and will want to contribute significantly to his coming tuition bills, chortle, chortle.

Princess Kathy had always hoped one of the boys would become a Plastic Surgeon to nip & tuck those thousand little crinkles that have appeared all over Her Highness' body, - but as she becomes elderly she is far happier that she gets her own Physical Therapist to repair all those nagging ailments that her aging body unleashes!

So for now, please join us in congratulating Bradley on his achievement.

Click here to send him an e-mail of congratulations!

Praise God for this boy!

Brad With A Very Proud Christina!