Winding up a very busy Christmas Party season,
it was off to the Gallo's to celebrate
2nd sister Jean and husband Steve hosted their own Brunch, that Kathy, I and ours were a bit tardy to as we were at Ben & Jordan's bash earlier that Christmas Morn.
Attending were Sister Laurie and her Jeff & Allison, sister Nancy with her whole crew, Mom from Florida & Johnny Gallo in from Omaha - all making this a very special day.
By the time we arrived, dessert was being served and Gift Opening was upon us.
Everyone had a favourite gift - Steven looked quite The Dandy Boy in his electric Black & Neon Siesta Key Jacket & Cap - courtesy of Mother. Kathy & the Sisters exchange their own gifts - purposely excluding yours truly - and Kathy's favourite were some snappy looking boots in Grey.
My favourite was from my Mom - a Black Metal Horse Door Knocker for the Condo. Splendid!
You could tell Mom was just delighted with the day, as she doesn't get to see us as often (exception being Kathy of course), as she lives in Florida. She wanted pictures taken with the girls, her grandchildren, her own children, the dog, etc. Was great to see.
We were sad that Johnny's fiance Brittney couldn't make it as she had a nasty case of the flu, and we missed Thor, Sabrina and Sponge Bry Square Head - who were visiting Sabrina's parents.
Following the gift opening frenzy we just all gathered round and talked and talked and talked. A Family Together. Another Great Day.