On to Ben, Jordan & Calvin Takashi's home for a beautiful

Christmas Day Brunch!

In a resumption of a Christmas get together that Ben & Jordan established when they were first married, the Jones side of the family and the Johnson side of the family descended upon their Carol Stream home to celebrate Christmas.

Jordan's side of the family are such great people and we are always glad to see them.  Her parents, Jon & Susan, sister Olivia and new husband David, brother Zach and his lovely Alyssa - along with an assortment of dogs - were all in attendance.  Jon's mother also was there for a while, just beaming as she enjoyed seeing her family.

On the Johnson side, Kathy ably commanded our contingent along with me, Brett, Bradley and beautiful Tina.  We however, were dogless.

But the star of the show was, of course, that 19 month old Calvin Takashi - the recipient of all the hugs, kisses and most of the presents on the day!  

Adorned in his bright blue Glasses and Christmas outfit, the poor lad must have been kissed, hugged, rumpled,  and squeezed over a thousand times on the day. 

But through it all Calvin just smiled, and was the perfect child we know him to be.

We Love this boy so much! 


On to the Feast!  Jordan laid out a wicked spread anchored by Susan's world famous Hammy Sandwiches, garnished with a lovely Fruit Salad.  

Kathy produced a steaming tray of her French Toast Egg casserole along with homemade Macaroni & Cheese.  Jordan concocted all the other sides just screaming "Eat Me!" that we all charged into.   

Olivia, Alyssa & Tina showed they were world class Chefs themselves with their contributions - but dang if I can remember what they were!  Wait, I know!  One was MonkeyBread!   Everything was Scrumptious!

Following we opened presents and sat and talked - just a beautiful Christmas Day!  

In the finest of Jones' traditions, we split up into teams to play a trivia game won by Alyssa and Brett!   The Johnson side departed mid afternoon just before the Pollyanna board was broken out for a game.  Will teach us to bow out early!  But there's always next year.

A Merry Christmas To All!

Thanks To Jordan And Ben For This great Party!

Praise God - Our savior is born!


Visit www.rickyjohn.com for more about our family!