With half of 2024 now behind us, we marked a beautiful

July 4th Celebration!

On a Thursday this year, we started the day off with the Arlington Heights parade.  Watching in our favourite seats right by Brad & Tina's condo we were joined by sister Chief and Brad & Tina for the 2 hour procession.

Click here for all the pictures

Following it was off to our house for a late afternoon get together that featured Bryan's Ben's and Brad's families.  Brett was working and we missed him.  The Grandson's Thor, Ashton and Calvin provided the entertainment.  Jordan looked beautiful, awaiting her 2nd in just 2 short months.  Laurie and her crowd joined us and sister Nancy & Randy came on by too.   

Kathy had Portillo's beefs for supper and a cadre of salads that were delicious.  Dessert was a Portillo's Chocolate cake which was swiftly demolished.  Thanks to Kathy and all who helped with the dinner and festivities.  

The plan had been to process to the Fireworks following dinner - but alas our energy had been expended.

Happy Birthday America

Praise God for this country! 


Visit www.rickyjohn.com for more about our family!