If you're looking for the page on Kathy's JACKPOT - this ain't it. But if you want the 411 on our Wild Western Trip that ended in

Las Vegas

this is it - you got it!

Following our successful campaign in Phoenix, on May 9th it was time to drive up and over to Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada.  

Again if you'll recall from our start in Phoenix, The Princess Kathy, Sister Laurie - known as the "Chief" - and yours truly were following the Rolling Stones westward and planned to take in the May 11th concert at Allegiant Stadium just off the strip in Vegas.

We had booked at Mandalay Bay, and The Princess & I were happy to discover that we got a nice room upgrade overlooking the pool and Flight Operations at Harry Reid International.  To my added delight, Chief's room featured no upgrade.  

For dinner, we went to a sports bar named Flankers for some pretty bad Nachos.  However, I staged an iconic picture alongside of a chrome statue of Cassius Clay (before he was Muhammed Ali) duplicating the iconic photo of the Liston KO.  Shown right.

On Friday, The Princess & Chief frolicked by the Pool, while I took in the Pinball Hall of Fame.  Wouldn't recommend it as half the machines were down and no air conditioning working.   

But that evening, the three of us had a great dinner with cousin Cyndy and husband Rich, Godson Scott and wife Nina at RiRa an Irish Pub in the Mandalay.

We talked and laughed and ate and drank for almost 3 hours and 'Twas a highlight of the Vegas trip.  We had so much fun we all agreed to get back together for Sunday Worship at Pastor Ben's Community Lutheran Church.  

Cyndy's husband Rich gave me a Stones tie, replete with the Stones Tongues.  Thank you!  That night Kathy played her favourite Video Poker Casino Game and hit 4 Aces with a Kicker. Paid a handsome $150. But this is NOT the Jackpot! Check out the photo upper left... 

Saturday was the concert.  Chief had headed home to Chicago so it was just The Princess & I.  

And Something big, Really big, happened at 1:34 pm PST, but you wont hear a word of it here.

Around 6:30pm we hoofed it over the bridge from the Hotel to the Stadium.  This concert was raucous from start to finish - everyone on their feet dancing and singing.  During the encore, Mick is belting out "Satisfaction".  In the middle of it he drops to his knees and instantly pops back up.  Don't know any 80 year old men that can do that!

As Sunday dawns, we are excited to visit former Trinity Pastor Ben Begren at his Church just off the strip.  Cyndy, Scott and Nina join the Princess & I for 9:30am worship - which was absolutely stellar.  

Following church we go out for Brunch at Eggworks just off the East/West Runway of Harry Reid International - where we witnessed a Family Fight.  As the waitress produced the Bill 2 sets of hands grabbed for it and the Fight ensued.  Luckily, no one was hurt!   Again another highlight.  I just love our Family. 

Sunday evening, another highlight as we had dinner at Libertine Social with Pastor Ben, his lovely wife Rachel and their son Max.  We talked for a couple hours over dinner and were having such a great time catching up that I forgot to take any Pictures.   The Devil at work.  

Kathy and I toddled back up to our room and started packing as we were leaving the next day.   Tired - but very Happy.  

Not alot of Web Pages about Vegas  end with a picture of a church - but ours does.  A Great Trip!

Praise God for his blessings of family and Friends

Sin City Was A riot- We Will Be Back soon! 


Visit www.rickyjohn.com for more about our family!